I’m Carmel McAuliffe. I am a registered Civil Marriage Celebrant, a Funeral Celebrant and a Tour Guide, and I am a member of the Australian Marriage Celebrants Inc. (AMC). Also I am a member of IATG (Institute of Australian Tour Guides) and have GoA (Guides of Australia) Accreditation.
Conducting Civil Marriage ceremonies is such a joyous, wonderful job for me. I delight in every aspect of my involvement, from the planning with the bride and groom to be, through to the usually touching experience of the ceremony itself. Every wedding or commitment ceremony is different from every other, just as no two couples are alike. I find great pleasure in striving to achieve just the right feel and making each special detail work within the overall shape of the ceremony. The joining of two people as partners in life is always a happy and moving event, and I feel immensely privileged to be able to do so for each and every couple using my services.
As a Tour Guide, I enjoy helping people to discover new things and experiences. They may be from overseas, interstate, or even from Sydney itself, but everyone has something new to see and do, whatever their focus.